Friday, August 25, 2023

Do few things, but do them well

 “Do few things, but do them well. 
Simple joys are holy.”

— St. Francis of Assisi

Friday, August 11, 2023

Cross Reactions

 If you have asthma or COPD with asthma, do not assume a “Natural” label means it’s a natural fit for you.

Consider: A, B, C, D & C, D, E

If you are Latex sensitive or allergic consider avoiding eating/drinking: 

Deliciosa Actinidia (kiwifruit

If you are Ragweed sensitive or allergic consider avoiding eating/drinking:

Dandelion Daisy 

Cross Reactions to certain foods can occur because they share similar structures that the body mistakenly recognizes as the allergens.

Speak to your allergist or healthcare provider about other specific cross reactions.